Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Episode Recap: The Unbelievable (怪談 逆北道) - Yellow River Water Ghost (黃河水鬼) Host Discussion Part 2

December 29, 2015 Princess
Lol so I've started recapping The Unbelievable from the last episode, oops . I guess I'll just work backwards then! Also, the main host is called Spencer Leung so I'm just going to call him Spencer from now on. The female host is called Maggie. 
Links: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Part 1

This time they're telling stories in front of a bonfire
Spencer says how at first he respected the Corpse Fisher Ngai Jik Gwun (OOD) but after seeing the clips he felt his actions were quite horrid. He then asks the Master is it especially easy to experience/feel spirits at a morgue. The Master says it's impossible to feel their presence at a hospital morgue but at that corpse fishing location, there was a great chance but it wouldn't necessarily be the spirit of the person who died. Spencer says that the dog at that location is already very menacing but feeding it animal carcasses made it even more menacing so that it can chase away ghosts. Am I the only one that thought the fluffy dog was cute? Ok then O_O 

The creepy green light. Why must it be green?
They cut to the footage of him solo trying to experience ghosts outside of the morgue. So the footage they showed at the end of the last episode was just a teaser? Now I realise the highlights really did cut down on a lot of the repeated footage! So after he turns around because of a sound, he actually questions if it's the sound of water. Dude you're by the river, of course there's going to water sounds... 
Loool mugshot, bless.
He says he hears the sound again. All I heard was a beep from like a walkie talkie though... He says his heart was beating really fast. The dog starts barking lots and Howard asks (in a cute aegyo voice btw, aww bless) why is the dog barking so much :S? The crew are not that far away and they are asking if he can hear them on the walkie talkie and asks him if he knows why the dog was barking so much. Howard replies he doesn't know why because there's no one by him. He says he's feeling the pressure on his head again and then looks around because he feels like someone nudged him. He continues to comment on the water sounds and then says someone's knocking on the door. D: He walkie talkie's back to the crew and said he heard someone knocking on the metal fridge door and then the other door moved by itself and the dog wouldn't stop barking. The crew member told him whatever happens, don't walk too fast and just stay for a bit longer.
He fell over but he looks like he's doing push ups here.
Suddenly he falls over and the crew walkie talkie to ask him what happened. Howard replies that he saw a man inside the room and he asks if he can go back up. The crew says they're going down to him and he looks traumatised.

Back to the discussion, Spencer asks Howard about his experience. Howard says he's not sure if he was affected by the images of bodies he'd seen during the day so he was especially jumpy. Spencer asks, there seems to only be about 20ish fridges to store bodies so what happens to the bodies that no one claims. Howard replies that every so often, the government arranges a boat takes the bodies back to the city to be dealt with and cremated.

Maggie says if the bodies aren't claimed will they become lost souls and the Master says they will because no one has given them a proper ritual and they may still have wishes they haven't fulfilled so their soul continues to roam. Spencer then asks: if the body's been decapitated, will they be in that form as a ghost? The Master says that it depends on whether they died decapitated (so not post-mortem decapitation... oh lord, that's awful D:). If they died during decapitation, there is a chance that they will be seen like that. However, if the body was in tact when they died but their corpse was broken up or decayed from bumping into things along the river, it would not show on the ghost. That's a some comprehensive knowledge. 

Part 2

Interesting note, the ghost money was in imitation $100 RMB
Howard talks about how Old Dude says he's not scared of ghosts nor believes in ghosts but his actions showed that he actually does believe in ghosts. They have some really loud and screechy background music, it's a little too much. Ouch my ears -.- They cut back to their field footage and Howard explains that he heard someone knocking on the fridge door, then saw a white shadow and then thought he saw a man inside the morgue. He said he stood up to get a better look and said he didn't see his face but it was a guy and he wore sports pullover. They then burnt some ghost money and incense in front of the morgue to pay their respects to not offend the ghosts. The dog starts barking again and Howard says there's no one behind them but he's still barking at something.

Old Dude changes his attitude regarding ghosts after Howard's experience. He helps to burn some ghost money and candles too and says he hopes the ghosts will quickly take the money and leave. They notice that the candles burnt unusually quickly. Old Dude says whilst burning the ghost money that he hasn't even had dinner yet just so he can service them (i.e. ghosts). When Lady Translator asks him if he believes now, Old Dude says he believes and wants the ghosts to take the money and go. Old Dude says he saw it (saw what though?) but then goes back to insisting he didn't see any ghost and he's not scared of anything. Howard then says the dog by the morgue and a dog up the hill also kept barking for no reason. Old Dude throws the rusty cleaver by the door and says that if "it" comes out, the knife will be waiting for it so it's to keep ghosts at bay.
His mouth says smile but his eyes say cry. I got a creepy
screencap where he's in between blinking, my bad ^^"
Howard gets teary eyed and says when they were talking about the lost souls with no relatives or home to return to, he had an urge to cry. Aww bless T_T so many feels! 
The rusty cleaver!
Back to the host discussion, Maggie asks Howard why Old Dude put the cleaver in front of the morgue door, didn't he say he's not scared of ghosts. Howard then said that Old Dude was watching Howard during his paranormal experience and that he saw ghost on either side of Howard peering over his shoulder and nudging him. Omg D: Nopenopenope So after he saw that, he brought the knife out because it can protect from "murdererous vibes" (殺氣, there's no direct translation but it sort of describes a malicious atmosphere... A bit ironic that a knife is supposed to prevent murderous vibes!) Because Old Dude was responsible for that morgue, he hoped that the knife would make the spirits behave inside the morgue and prevent them from coming out. Maggie asks the Master, if at home you feel uneasy, should you put knives all around the house. Master replies that if you put knives in every room, the most scared people would be your relatives (Loooool ok, that Master has a dry sense of humour, I like you a little more now.) The Master says that traditionally, sharp metal objects can be used to protect against ordinary and low power ghosts (this is starting to sound like an RPG up in here loool).

Spencer says that when they filmed a different episode about "Return Soul Night" (回魂夜 where passed away relatives return to visit the living) elderly people say that the next day, you have to throw a sharp metal pair of scissors at the front door to stop them from returning ever again. The Master says that sharp metal objects sound frequency makes spirits uneasy and sharp objects will make them think of Hell's torture devices (she says the name of some knife which I don't know so I assumed it was Hell's torture stuff she's talking about...) so they'll be scared of that. Spencer comments that he originally thought that the scissors were symbolic of cutting their ties so he thought it was really sad.

Part 3

They play the footage that I've already recapped from the highlights so I'll just continue recapping their discussion. Spencer says the bell they ring that's supposed to call to spirits has a very melancholy tone and wonders if the spirits will think it's them that are calling for them or their relatives. The Master says that the bell has had a ritual done to it which is supposed to call to spirits. The spirits won't know what situation they are being called so their frenzy is what caused the sudden weather change and the onslaught of strong wind in a swirl.

Maggie asks why there was randomly a policeman where there was no one around and Howard explains that the policeman was keeping tabs on CF. Maggie asks if CFs are returning bodies to relatives, is he doing something good. The Master says if he gets nothing in return, then it's doing something good but if he's profiting from it, then he's not. Spencer says that OOD is actually not doing something of merit, but he's actually being a bit despicable. The CFs hang up the bodies by the cliffs so that their relatives can see if they recognise and claim the bodies but actually, when relatives do recognise and want to claim a body, OOD extorts them and asks for a lot of money for it, over $10000 RMB. Wtf mang... how is OOD so brazen to be extorting people through their dead relatives... definitely NOT a friendly uncle!

Part 4

The hosts criticise the despicable actions of OOD because of how if no one claims the bodies after 3 weeks, they become unrecognisable so he just cuts them down and lets them fester in the river.
After they play the distressing footage of the actual process of corpse fishing, Howard has his monologue about his experience filming this series. His leaving message is again that ghosts are not scary, sometimes humans are scarier. Back to the hosts, Stephen starts tearing up when describing his feelings about filming The Unbelievable for 12 years. He feels that The Unbelievable is possibly the hardest thing for him to film because a lot of difficulties happen behind the scenes that they cannot capture. Not a lot of things make the edit because they're not fit for broadcast because it's too cruel or graphic for TV. All the hosts tearfully thank the crew and recount what they've taken away from their experience presenting the show. They say their goodbyes and light a lotus candle and release it into the ocean.

Wait, so that's the last ever episode?? How did I manage to pick the last ever episode to watch... I guess I really do have to watch backwards then! I didn't know it was the last episode so I was bit confused when they all started crying but it was pretty emotional, I almost teared up too loool. I guess it must be hard for Spencer for the show to end because he's been on it for so long but then again, I guess he must feel some relief because of how difficult he said it was to film.

Finishing remarks: After hearing their discussion in Cantonese of the CF, I fully understood that he was extorting people for bodies! I thought I'd misheard in the highlights when they said it cost $10000 for the body retrieval but now that I know that too, the message that people are scarier than ghosts really rings true...